Postpartum Depression Is More Common Than You May Think And Therapy Can Help

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It's good to learn about postpartum depression while you're still pregnant. Understand the signs of this condition so you recognize them if you're one of the women who experience postpartum depression. By recognizing the signs and understanding this type of depression is common, you can seek treatment early and reduce the effect the depression has on you and your family. Here are some things to know about postpartum depression and treatments that can help.

Postpartum Depression Is Common

One key to overcoming the depression is to realize it's a common condition associated with giving birth. It's nothing to hide or be ashamed of. Instead, recognize it so you can seek help. However, you may want to differentiate depression from baby blues. Baby blues are even more common and include feelings such as sadness and overwhelm. The blues usually set in right after giving birth and resolve in a few weeks. Postpartum depression might develop right away or months after giving birth and it can last a long time without help from a therapist.

Postpartum Depression Therapy Can Help

Therapy is helpful for this condition, and your therapist has different approaches to try. For instance, you may talk about issues from your childhood that might be triggered by your birth experience. By looking at past traumas, you can lessen their effect on you and resolve some of your depression. However, your therapist might take a different approach and focus on your skills and abilities as a mother. By setting goals and achieving them, you start to feel good about your capabilities and you have more positive life experiences rather than being locked in a state of feeling overwhelmed and ineffective.

You might undergo group therapy with other moms who have postpartum depression since talking with others who have the same condition is more helpful than talking to a family member who doesn't understand why you're not joyful over having a new baby. You might also need to undergo couples therapy since your depression could have an effect on your marriage.

Through therapy, you can learn new mental health skills that redirect your thinking so you break free from cloudy thinking and negative self-talk. You might only need a few sessions with a therapist, or you might need ongoing therapy for a while until your condition improves. Since part of the reason for postpartum depression could be biological, your therapist might also suggest medical testing, such as thyroid tests, and even depression medication that won't affect a breastfeeding baby.

You may never experience postpartum depression once your baby is born, but it's good to be familiar with the condition and its symptoms so it doesn't take you by surprise. If you find you're struggling with depression once your baby is born, the fact that you are depressed instead of joyful as expected can make you feel even worse. Seeking help quickly helps you get better faster, so find a therapist who deals with postpartum depression so your quality of life improves and you're able to bond with your baby and enjoy being a mother.

For more information, contact companies such as Smart Talk.
